It seems you are doing incredible work with students; good job.

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Looking forward to hearing more about this!...

>With respect to an accurate map of the external world, we are combining a strand of Progress Studies with the basics of empirical modeling and decision education, culminating in forecasting on Metaculus. This program component is still under development. I’ll write a more extended piece on it in the future.

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Do you do anything specific to support the journey of students from “seven lessons learners” to "high agency learners"? Or is it simply achieved through engaging in the same activates with peers who have already made the journey (or have always been highly agentic).

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Hey Michael, do you think guiding / teaching in this way takes more or less skill and attention than conventional teaching? If teachers colleges broadly trained in this approach (with a focus on agency) would it be fully scalable (could the entire education system run this way)?

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I love the idea of "personal growth seminars' paired with all the other amzing things you do. Thanks for sharing

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